Aviation Teardown & Consignment Specialists
Simplicity + Clarity + Focus = Opticivity
Is Consignment turning out to be an unnecessary hardship? Need support on it now?
3 ways we guarantee bringing it under your control within 30 days – or you don’t pay.

Data Leaning

Data Validation

Data Layering
Working with SellUe raised our awareness of the value attainable through consignment. Utilising SellUe’s principles on consignment allowed us to take control of consignment activity with efficient, effective, and sharply focussed processes. These initiatives also supported the early stage development of Genesis’ own newly established component trading platform ReGEN, a global supplier of narrowbody commercial aviation parts.
Clear direction on material categories, geographical coverage, specific targeting within all segments, monthly reporting and reviews, all introduced through a coaching approach, meant that SellUe was able to support the Sales Team in doubling sales up to $85M in 2018.
SellUe has optimised each operational element of the consignment, including cost and revenue management, reporting and communication. SellUe’s hands on and analytical approach, really improved our consignment result in challenging market environments, and resulted in enduring relationships that continue to positively contribute to our business.
SellUe’s attention to detail, market and product knowledge along with commitment levels and business development drive have ensured that we were able to achieve the optimal return from the aircraft within the teardown program.